Monday, April 2, 2012

Tonight my Dad was away, so my Mom, Jack, and I had to put the goats away. Well, we got out there just before sunset and my brother and I herded the goats into the pen with our bikes and yelling a little too! ( my throat is a little horse right now!). Because my Dad and Mom milk in the morning, we have to put away the babys so they don't get the milk first, there is about 15 baby's to get, so Jack and I were trying to get them in by sneaking up on them of just running after them! If you ever seen a baby goat hop, skip, jump, of frolic you know that they are FAST. Right now I am just resting and so I thought I would write you a bit to let you know a little about goats. But on the other hand, they are cute when they are baby's, don't you agree?


1 comment:

  1. I seen you are following my blog (thoughts from a cowgirl!) so i came over to check out yours! i just had to comment on this post because we do the same things! (lock the babys up at night so i can milk in the morning!) man some of those stinkers are quick and smart!!! but yes they are sooo cute when they are babies!! :D ♥
