One of my favorite things to do is go out and pick what ever I need for dinner. I am definitely an "outdoors person", and if I don't go outside at least once a day, I feel so cooped up-for lack of a better word(who ever is like me knows what I mean). When it is my meal day to cook, my routine is to prep dinner around 3:00pm, then at 3:30 go out and get my garden goodies, and lastly cook at 4:00pm, to eat at 5:00. Because I love wild edibles, my family will vouch that many times I have a new special "ingredient" in my pot... along with many herbs from my garden.
Here is a few pictures of my new garden plot, I am still trying to figuar out a good way to keep weeds down, so please exscuse the underconstruction garden.
The main garden bed:

My new tire garden:

My close up on the main garden plot:

I hope you enjoyed these pictures!
Kari Kanani
P.S. If anyone has a suggestion in getting stuborn grass out of the ground let me know!
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